Monday, May 28, 2012

Photographyyyy!!! One of my true loves! There are SO SOOO many ways you can do it.. there are poloroids, black and white, digital, color film, negative prints, even iphones are considered profesional photography these days! Dont beleive me? As a sidenote, Adorama is a great place for photography supplies! I actually bought my last batch of 100ct black and white photography light sensitive paper there for like half the price! There were a few flaws with the corners of the paper but im all for flaws, I personally love the flaws, they werent big anyways.. SO, I am going to share with you today about my photography!

So I find that its an understatement to say I have several cameras....

I have had

Cool story about this one, I actually found this one in my aunts basement, looks like it hadent been touched in like 10 years, so I asked my dad if i could keep it and he said yes, and its like a 40+ year old camera, so i took it to school and into the darkroom and there was film STILL IN IT! I was about to develop some of the pictures too

 Oh and last but DEFINITELY not least My hommade pinhold camera!
Mine(horrible picture)>>
This isnt an actual picture of mine, but it loooks just the same pretty much! and ya know what? It works brilliantly!

It was hard to figure out using it at first but now that i know how to use it and exposure times, etc, its AWESOME! here are some of the exposures that ive taken(keep in mind these are negative pictures)

 And I have many more but I cant remember what they are

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