Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Painting Day!

Okay so as I said yesterday, today is PAINTING DAY!!! Whenever I know I'm going to have a long day with nothing to do, I generally resort to sitting in front of the TV all day, and when I say all day I mean from the moment I wake up till about 4 in the morning
I have to allow myself to truly devote my time that day to painting reason being, I'm one of those people that starts things and never finishes them. In fact I have at least 5 or 6 unfinished paintings now that I promise I will not want to work on again (don't ask me why, I just work that way) 
Anyways, when I start to work on a painting I'll work on that ONE painting for at LEAST and I mean VERY least 2 hours! I will work on a painting for (I think my record is) up to 10 hours straight!!! Wanna see the result?

MEET HEDWIG!! =D yes. I am a Harry Potter fan and I have no shame saying that, its actually hanging in my room as we speak. Anyways, I actually started writing this blog post this morning but didn't finish it then, so I'm just finishing it now if the random change in tone from the first part to now confuses you, thats why.

So anyways, today didn't end up being much of a painting day, woke up late, by then my mom had my car with all my painting stuff in it, by the tie she got back I had a hair appointment and went and saw Avengers w friends. It was actually surprisingly good! So I didnt get started painting till at least 11PM!
A.D.D. NO! Back on topic!
So I tend to like doing my own renditions of things that I get inspiration from. For the painting I did tonight, my particular inspiration was Natasha Wescoat, I really love her work with her Jeweled Trees Collection. She's an amazing artist! Check her site out! AND check out the Jeweled Trees Collection they are amazing!  So this is what I painted tonight, i just thought I'd share, Its actually only an 8x10, so its a small painting, but it's for my friend for her birthday I think she'll like it. I'm not generally a extremely particular person about much of anything but when it comes to painting, I find myself a bit OCD about the whole thing. I have specific brushes I use, i like to be in certain places to paint, ect etc, it keeps me focused I guess. There is NOTHING bad about having your habits! If it works best for you, DO IT! 
Ont thing i love about painting is the mess.. I just LOVE it! I never finish a painting without paint ALL over my hands, and generally the rest of my body! 
Like always, If you have anyquestions, feel free to ask!

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