So this is my second post tonight but I've had a few things today that I just wanted to throw out there.
So, If you don't know me, (basically if you're not my lovely friend Emily reading this (Hi Em!! Love you!)) I have mentioned that I am as of about 2 months ago, 20 years old and going into my Junior year of college as a Fine Arts Major.
I just wanted to sorta tell you a little about myself and make a few shout-outs. So just for those people that always asks "How did you learn how to do that?", "How did you learn to paint like that??," "Who taught you how to make all this stuff?." Well, to answer that question, no one taught me to really do anything...
I didn't even know I could paint till like 2 years ago after I had JUST graduated from high-school and decided I'd try to paint my teachers something for gifts, and I really truly suprised myself, at first I didn't even try to do anything difficult but then I decided to challenge myself and I was amazed with what I could do! I had never been taught anything from anyone, In fact the last time I had any sort of art class was in 7th grade art class at school.
I started with something really easy, an abstract, which in my mind, if I messed up, it wouldn't matter and I was surprised that it looked really cool!
So then I thought I'd challenge myself a little more with a landscape painting, the clouds were chunky but there was still a lot more talent there that I had never seen or even known was there, so from there I tried to challenge myself further...
From there I got better at shading and shadows and clouds...

Then I tried to work on textures and changing sunsets, and I really was so happy with this painting, it was based on the GORGEOUS mountains of Ecuador, I went there w/ a group from my school and my principal went with us, this picture below was for her, she has it hung in her office.
The next one I worked in silver paint into the clouds and gave it to a friend as a senior graduation gift, so loves it.
Then I gave this one to my mom for Mother's Day :)
Thats her on the dock :)
So, I just wanted to share with yall (Yes, I am southern.) my background in art and sort of where I came from... Art has always been a huge focus in my life, it was how I learned as a kid, and is STILL how I learn. Ive always been invested in art talents that i had, always creating and making.
Like everyone else out there, I've had my ginormous failures and my happy successes, but as my mother says "[my] life is an experiment", if something doesn't turn out the way you want it well, thats just how it works, you learn from that and grow your knowledge through failures and successes.
But anyways, I just wanted to give a shout out to Josie from the blog, I sorta stumbled upon it through Pinterest (I think), I am in fact a Pinterest addict, and it's an ADORABLE looking blog, lots of very nice pictures, lots of DIY stuff and ideas, pretty much all my fav stuff, so I emailed her, saying well, pretty much exactly that and asked her some stuff about her blogging, and she emailed me back. Thank you for that BTW! Pet peeve of mine. And was SO sweet, compliments are like definitely one of the top things that motivate me to keep creating and expanding what I love to do and she told me "Your blog looks adorable! I love the dresser you just redid:)..." it make my night, I'm super proud of my new dresser, and I love just the support through compliments and comments from people. I just wanted to make sure she knew how much I appreciated the compliment and the very helpful advice! :) Thank you!!
And to all the other art hopefuls out there, don't quit, even if you don't go into something like that as a job, it's still a special quality thats unique to you. Also, people even though they may love my stuff that I make and create, and redo, and design, they can also be very discouraging, saying I will never make it anywhere with what I love and my dream, but in my mind, I don't think God would give me a gift He didn't intend me to use, and as I tell people, I'm gonna use it. Simple as that.
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